Need Some Space?
You found it right here at Proach Models.
We are now creating, seeking and obtaining unique NASA collectibles
for our fans and space enthusiasts!
This includes special one-off models created by Nick Proach himself.
Interested in parts for your own space model projects?
Have a look at our new page on Shapeways by clicking the "SHOP" link at the top of the Home page.
These parts are delicately 3D printed parts for models like the Space Shuttle, Dragon II
spacecraft, the Apollo 14 MET, and more.
The Proach Models Virtual Museum
Featuring a number of models built in the past 30 years serving the Aerospace Community,
Museums, Space Centers and Private Collectors
Our models are meticulously custom-built using state-of-the-art
equipment along with the finest materials available.
Our client list includes NASA, the US Air Force, aerospace corporations,
museums, space centers and private collectors worldwide.
We obsess over every detail, no matter how small!
Shop with confidence in our secure online store!